
.003 What's in a name?

Ok, it's been awhile. I've been ... stressed like crazy the past few days.
Thanksgiving was alright. We got a half day on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday off, of course, and we also had Monday off. Needless to say, I had an aaaaammmmmmaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiinnnnnnngggggg five day weekend.


Wednesday, Randy, Trick, Mel, Eric & I picked up Skitz after school after narrowly missing an encounter with ... DUN DUN DUNNN ... Alex. He's this wicked annoying kid. Who only comes around when he wants something. You know the type, total lush. Only seems to come around when there's green or alki. I hate people like that. He's just ... sketchy. Anyways, so we got green. Dropped off Trick & Mel. Went to my place, smoked. Dropped off Eric & Randy. Got Phil, smoked more. Thursday, I dropped Skitz at her house. Slept, baked. Matt came over. He's this REALLY hot Juggalo who lives near me. As in, down the street. Anyways, he's mad hot. So we chilled, and then I dropped him off, came home, ate, got Skitz, got Matt again. Lol it was great. Black Friday. Skitz, she's a sophomore in my Geometry class. But she's fucking awesome, so we chill. Constantly. Her real name's Felicia, but she got to Skitz through a process of name osmosis. Felicia to Skittles to Skitz. Amazing. Anyway, so we planned on getting up at 5AM & didn't end up ACTUALLY getting up until about nine. I spent $160 on my friends & fam & I'm so excited for x-mass.


Friday night was SO MUCH fun. We got tomagotchis & ... yeah, more green. And we went to Bethel to get Nessa, who's probably my closest friend up here. Phil got alki for us, he's twenty-one, and we had a miniture party in my room. Again. We messed around with a Ouiji board & my Tarot deck. Fun stuff. Needless to say, I was royally fucked & it was great. The entire weekend was spent intoxicated.


I also spent five days off my meds. Just as I was starting to feel entirely like dying .... BLAM! Mom got my 'scrip filled. Withdrawls from Zoloft is probably the worst experience I've ever had. I mean, let's face it, I DON'T GET SICK. So for me to feel so sick that i'm constantly nausious is a big deal. I'm all good now, though.


So. I started dating that Matt kid. He's absolutely amazing. It's only been like ... two days? So I can't really be like 'OHMYGODHE'STHEBESTTHINGBLAHBLAHBLAH I'M IN LOVE.' 'Cos I'm not. But he is great. & We're going to Hooter's tomorrow with Trick & Mel, this should be fun. ^.^;;

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